Friday 28 April 2017


Dear Moderator,

Welcome to my slightly 'broken' blog. As you may have guessed through the use of the heading and well, the reason you are even here, this is my AS media studies blog. Within this magical creation of a blog you will bear witness to a range of 'half' written blogs including: research with at least a '50%' relation to media, awkward media evaluation questions and my final production. I know, exciting, right? 
 anyways, enjoy!

Words in '   ' are just references to my media production.  

Thursday 27 April 2017

AS media production

Media Question 1

Media Question 2

Media Question 3

Media Question 4

Media Question 5

Media Question 6

Media Question 7

In conclusion, I believe I have improved greatly since my pre task, in all 3 sectors, pre-production, production and after/post production. I believe this as for my pre task I had one day to prepare and I only did a storyboard. Meaning that on the day of shooting everything was rushed and even some arguments where heard, due to our miss communication and lack of preparation. Moreover whilst shooting we failed to create the location and you can see school bags and ‘messy’ tables throughout the production. However the shots we did take were good (apart for the background) and were able to follow when edited together. During the post production phase what we did was limited, as we had never edited before, also as a result of our inexperience the resolution of our pre task came out terribly.

For my final production I learnt from these mistakes and tried to fix them, which I believe I did. First of all, I planned (shot list, location hunting, storyboard etc...) and scheduled everything, which created a more stress free and well communicated environment. Also whilst shooting the scenes, the scenes were well-made, creating a more ‘professional’ look. I also created more detailed and complex shots which looked even better from my already good shot from my pre task. Finally for my post production I spent months learning my chosen editing software, and as a result the production was high quality in both audio and video.  Overall my media skills have improved greatly since my pre task.